Leading US and Russian Experts hold dialogue led by Fmr. Sen. Maj Leader Frist and Russian Duma Committee on Health Protection Vice-Chair Gerasimenko:
Agree to work toward Future Joint Initiatives in Global Heath
WASHINGTON, May 13, 2009 - The Center for Strategic & International Studies (CSIS) Russia-Eurasia Program and the CSIS Center on Global Health Policy yesterday (Tuesday, May 12) hosted a panel of twelve leading Russian and American experts in global health policy to examine their respective nations' experiences in infectious disease surveillance, health systems reform, chronic disease, and global health partnership and leadership. Co-chaired by Senator William Frist, former Majority Leader of the U.S. Senate and CSIS Trustee, and Dr. Nikolai Gerasimenko, First Vice Chair of the Russian Duma's Committee on Health Protection, the panel discussion entitled, "U.S.-Russian Collaboration for Global Health," weighed new ideas for future Russian-U.S. joint initiatives. During their talks, the joint Russian-U.S. panel identified four key areas which hold considerable promise for future collaboration, including: 1. Measures to lower health risks associated with tobacco and alcohol use, especially among young people, including public education strategies and coordinated international efforts. 2. Continuing dialogue on enhanced surveillance systems and improvements in data use to facilitate the improved management of infectious and chronic disease. 3. An annual U.S.-Russia forum on reform of national health systems, with a special focus on financing, cost controls, and evaluation mechanisms. This forum would have the flexibility to broaden participation to other interested countries. 4. Expansion of existing successful research, institutional twinning and professional exchange programs to include an increased focus on emerging issues such as challenges in health care reform. The panel's discussions underlined a strongly shared interest between the two nations in developing Russian-U.S. partnerships in the health sector. Such partnerships underscored a confidence among the group that cooperation in the global health sector can enhance the promising strategic reengagement currently under way between Russia and the United States. Moreover, the panel agreed that joint cooperation in this arena can demonstrate tangible value to the American and Russian public. The panel discussions revealed that both official and non-governmental entities have essential contributions to make to this effort. Russia and the United States are each in the midst of historic efforts to reform their national health systems, bring about greater efficiencies in complex federal forms of government, and create healthier and safer populations. Each nation also exercises important leadership on critical global health issues, including surveillance systems crucial to detecting and responding to newly emerging threats. During the Cold War, Russia and the United jointly pioneered new vaccine technologies for use in global small pox and polio campaigns, and over the decades Russia and the United States have developed extensive legislative, scientific and research exchanges. These efforts have provided important foundations for current and future collaborations, the panel agreed. For more information about the panel's discussions, please contact, CSIS Vice-President for External Relations, H. Andrew Schwartz by emailing [email protected] or calling (202) 775-3242. ### The Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) is a bipartisan, non-profit organization that seeks to advance global security and prosperity by providing strategic insights and practical policy solutions to decision-makers.
H. Andrew Schwartz