For more than fifteen years, our staff has worked closely with leaders in the faith community across the United States to educate and activate influencers on issues of global health and development. With the support of The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Eleanor Crook Foundation, and Friends of the Global Fight, we have created an in-house workshop which seeks to build new relationships among leaders of faith, nurture the knowledge and education about global health, and provide the opportunity to participate in influential advocacy that directly communicates their united support for global health to key members of Congress.

Within American culture, faith leaders include a host of thought leaders who might be artists, authors, academicians, nonprofit leaders, pastors, speakers, and journalists. These thoughtful culture-shapers have the power to in-turn educate their followers and congregants on the importance of advocacy as a religious practice.

We welcome the opportunity to work with faith leaders across all denominations and religions, though our work admittedly tends toward navigating the evangelical culture.

We meet one-on-one, host private luncheons at round tables, sponsor and speak at conferences, lead trips to developing nations, and welcome dialogue and debate for advocacy on global health at any church, anytime.

In this season of sharp political division in our nation, now is the time to speak across party lines, religious lines, race lines with the language of the other to better understand each other and to better coordinate efforts for continued progress in health and development. We’ve made historic strides in the past 25 years. We lead the march to continue this important work to end preventable, treatable disease and make extreme poverty history.

Faith is a verb. It is a journey of ever expanding compassion and care for the other. We welcome you to join us on this journey to help the world’s poorest with wisdom and success. Learn more about how you can join our Faith-Based Coalition for Healthy Mothers and Children Worldwide and our Faith-Based Coalition for Global Nutrition.


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