In Proverbs 31 King Lemuel’s mother instructs him: Open your mouth for those who cannot speak, and for the rights of those who are left without help. Open your mouth. Be right and fair in what you decide. Stand up for the rights of those who are suffering and in need. (GN Translation)
Amidst the emergence of increasing interest in social justice issues swirling all around us, you may have reflected on how many people have, in droves, begun to speak out, whether it is against racial inequality, harassment in the workplace, how guarded or helpful we should be toward refugees, equal pay, equal rights & respect, or against many other forms of injustice that have been bursting forth in our country and in our communities.
Admittedly, it is exciting to see people get passionate in the name of justice, and the efforts being made to create better lives and better policy. It’s a breath of fresh air to see a turn from complacency towards action; but even more so when it’s done as outlined Biblically; sacrificially, selflessly, kindly, and with love.
The Lord has told you what is good. He has told you what he wants from you: Do what is right to other people. Love being kind to others. And live humbly, trusting your God. – Micah 6:8 (ICB Translation)
Around the world today, atrocities are happening in areas where the poorest of the poor live; those that live on less than two-dollars a day. As Americans, who live with such abundance, we may not be able to fathom what it’s like for more than half of humanity living in the world today. Things like hunger, rampant disease, scarcity of clean water, lack of health care, need for education, and depletion of jobs are plaguing our brothers and sisters across the globe. What’s worse, it’s not that one of these perils is happening to a developing community, they’re all happening, largely at the same time, creating and perpetuating the complex web of utter poverty.
Living in the U.S. and leading busy lives, it’s easy to feel inundated with so many things going on right here at home. It is fair to argue that there are plenty of issues that need tending right here, and that’s true. It can be hard to remember that our calling as Christians is to love and help those in need and that doesn’t begin nor end with self-preserving boundaries. The Bible doesn’t say you should only help someone in need “if” they meet a certain set of criteria. Our calling is to love and help everyone, everywhere.
And now I give you a new commandment: love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. – John 13:34 (GN Translation)
Specifically, did you know that every year, complications from pregnancy and childbirth claim the lives of more than 303,000 women and permanently disable many more? 99% of these deaths are in developing countries, and 80% are preventable. Did you also know that more than 795 million people around the world suffer from hunger and nearly one in three people worldwide suffer from malnutrition? Globally, more than 36 million people are living with HIV, more than 10 million infected with Tuberculosis, and over 200 million cases of malaria. Many of these afflictions leave families torn apart in their wake. These are just some of the complex issues facing our neighbors today, and we can help.
As the Prophet Isaiah wrote in chapter 1 verse 17: Learn to do right. See that justice is done — help those who are oppressed, give orphans their rights, and defend widows. (GN Translation)
Each year our U.S. tax dollars go to work for various programs domestically and globally. What most Americans grossly overestimate is how much goes towards foreign assistance, which provides education and resources to many people in the greatest need around the world today. In fact, the majority of Americans believe that the U.S. (a global leader in foreign assistance) spends approximately 28% of our budget on foreign aid. In reality, we spend less than 1%. A penny to the dollar. It’s not enough.
You may be thinking, where is my voice in all this? What am I willing to stand up for? And in finding my voice, how do I make it effective among the multiplicity of issues we’re facing? What you may not realize is that just by living in the U.S., you have more resources and power to make change globally than you realize.
Through advocacy, you can call, write, or request to meet with your member of Congress asking them to protect the International Affairs Account. You can go to, or even and find your representative or senator and engage them on these crucial issues. If you need help in your efforts to reach out to Congress, Hope Through Healing Hands would be glad to assist you. Your voice matters and you can move the needle to bring about positive change globally from right here at home.
Advocacy supports global peace-making efforts by providing much needed assistance to those who have been carrying the burden of poverty, disease, and hunger. When dire needs are met, wounds are salved, sickness is healed, and hunger is fed; friendship and peace are born.
So then, we must always aim at those things that bring peace and that help strengthen one another – Romans 14:19 (GN Translation)
Amy Fogleman A native of Central Florida, Amy Fogleman, is a 2002 and 2013 graduate of Nashville’s Belmont University; earning Bachelor degrees in both Business Administration and Science of Nursing. Fogleman’s skill set includes over ten years of artist management and development experience at Creative Trust, Inc. During her time working in the music industry, she was recognized as one of Billboard Magazine's Top 30 Execs Under 30 in 2008. She transitioned to the field of nursing in 2013 and has worked with cancer patients in the hospital setting along with part-time home health work. Fogleman has a deep-seated passion in supporting global health and adhering to Matthew 25:35-40. She is currently the Faith Outreach Director at Hope Through Healing Hands.
This post originally appeared on Amplify Peace.